Big Bang Berry

Edible byPurefectionery

Big Bang Berry by Purefectionery
4.0based on 1 reviews
What people are saying about Big Bang Berry
agenthashtag's avatar'


about 3 years ago

Similar flavor and texture of sour conversation hearts, surprisingly pleasant. I was excited to see it resembled a moon, the details were on point! It broke apart easily, although I suggest using a knife if you are planning on cutting it into smaller servings. Dissolved nicely and didn't taste too much like cannabis, the tartness masked that well. It was the most effective edible for me thus far, I was lit. I woke up groggy with an edible hangover but it wore off fairly quickly. Aesthetics/Texture: 4 Aroma/Scent: 3 Taste: 4 Effectiveness: 5 Packaging & Labeling: 4

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