Peppermint Sativa Artisan Mints

Edible byFire Dept. Cannabis

Fire Dept. Cannabis
Peppermint Sativa Artisan Mints by Fire Dept. Cannabis
2.5based on 1 reviews
What people are saying about Peppermint Sativa Artisan Mints
agenthashtag's avatar'


about 3 years ago

I was looking forward to trying these but was incredibly disappointed. The packaging was hard to open, great for children but not for disabled or elderly folks. The 10 small, round blue peppermints in a Ziploc baggy reminded me of my previous career as a pharmacy technician.. they looked very similar to narcotics and could be a trigger for (recovering) addicts. The peppermint flavor wasn't pleasant and didn't cover up the live resin taste well. The way they dissolved was very off-putting, almost as if they were stale, and disintegrated like chalk. I was anxious after taking 2 of the recommended 5mg servings, and I have a seasoned tolerance. Aesthetics/Texture: 1 Aroma/Scent: 3 Taste: 2 Effectiveness: 2 Packaging & Labeling: 3

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